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Not all aircraft insurance policies and premiums are the same. As the only direct writer in the market since 1961, Avemco never uses third-party insurance and instead, connects you directly with an aviation underwriter, ready to solve problems and approve coverage based on your individual situation. Avemco provides lightning-fast quotes, competitive rates, and personalized policies that are easy to read and tai-lored to you and your Cessna. Clean up your flight plan and go direct with Avemco!
8490 Progress Dr. Ste. 100
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Not all aircraft insurance policies and premiums are the same. As the only direct writer in the market since 1961, Avemco never uses third-party insurance and instead, connects you directly with an aviation underwriter, ready to solve problems and approve coverage based on your individual situation. Avemco provides lightning-fast quotes, competitive rates, and personalized policies that are easy to read and tailored to you and your Cessna. Clean up your flight plan and go direct with Avemco!